Women Seeking Male,Female,Couple,,
Personal Details
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Seeking for:
Male, Female, Couple, ,
Current Location:
× My name's Sarah and I'm from Melbourne, Australia.
× I'm short but I'm taller than my mother and I've decided that's all that matters.
× I'm curvy. I have boobs, I have a waist and I have an ass. And I'm proud, damn it!
× I'm fairly opinionated. Open to reasoning, but if you're being an ass, I won't refrain from telling you so.
× I love piercings and tattoos.

× I can be overly emotional at times: I cry in movies, I scream when I see a spider and when I'm in a good mood, I'm literally jumping around.
× I get attached to people I care for, regardless of whether they live across the street or across the planet.
× I'm bisexual, and I'm not one of the girls who decide that after a drunken snog with a friend, they're bi, but balk at the idea of doing anything else.
× I'm quite happy to answer most questions asked of me, so if you have a question, ask.
Looking for
Let's see what comes my way.

